Pa Non Solicitation Agreement

A PA Non-Solicitation Agreement: Protecting Your Business Interests

In today`s competitive business landscape, companies need to find ways to protect their assets and interests. One way to do this is by using a non-solicitation agreement. This legal document is designed to prevent employees from poaching customers or clients from their former employer. In Pennsylvania, businesses can use a non-solicitation agreement to safeguard their trade secrets and goodwill.

What is a Non-Solicitation Agreement?

A non-solicitation agreement is a type of contract that prohibits an employee from soliciting clients, customers, or other employees from their former employer for a set period. The agreement can be used in various situations, including when an employee leaves a company or when a company is sold or merged. The goal of the non-solicitation agreement is to protect the business`s interests, especially if the departing employee has access to confidential information or a valuable client base.

How Does a Non-Solicitation Agreement Work?

A non-solicitation agreement typically outlines the terms and conditions for an employee`s departure from the company. It can include provisions that prohibit a former employee from contacting clients or customers for a set period, usually between six months to a year. The agreement can also restrict the former employee from working with competitors or soliciting other employees to join them in a new company.

Why Use a Non-Solicitation Agreement?

Using a non-solicitation agreement is an effective way for businesses to protect their trade secrets, client information, and goodwill. It can also prevent legal disputes and potential damages caused by departing employees. A non-solicitation agreement can help maintain customer loyalty and protect a company`s competitive edge. It can also provide peace of mind to employers by ensuring that their former employees cannot use their company`s resources or knowledge to create a competing business.

How to Create a Non-Solicitation Agreement in Pennsylvania

If you`re a Pennsylvania business owner looking to create a non-solicitation agreement, it`s best to consult with a legal professional familiar with the state`s employment laws. An attorney can help ensure that the agreement is legally binding and enforceable. Here are some tips for creating a non-solicitation agreement:

1. Identify the parties involved – The agreement should identify the employer, the employee, and any third parties affected by the agreement.

2. Define the scope of the non-solicitation clause – The agreement should outline the activities that the former employee is prohibited from engaging in, such as soliciting customers or employees.

3. Set the time frame – The agreement should specify the duration of the non-solicitation clause, typically between six months to a year.

4. State the consequences of breach – The agreement should outline the consequences that a former employee could face if they breach the non-solicitation clause, such as financial damages or legal action.


In today`s competitive business landscape, companies need to take steps to protect their assets and interests. A non-solicitation agreement can be a valuable tool for Pennsylvania businesses looking to safeguard their trade secrets, client information, and goodwill. By consulting with a legal professional and creating a well-crafted agreement, companies can take proactive steps to protect their interests and ensure lasting success.