Creation Esign Agreement

Creating an eSign Agreement: A Guide for Businesses

In today`s digital landscape, conducting business through electronic means has become an essential part of most companies` operations. One aspect of this is the use of electronic signatures or eSignatures to sign legally binding documents. If your business relies on agreements that require signatures, then creating an eSign agreement could save you time, money, and hassle. Let`s explore what an eSign agreement is, how to create one, and the benefits it can offer.

What is an eSign Agreement?

An eSign agreement is a legally binding contract signed using electronic signatures. It`s equivalent to a paper agreement signed using a pen and paper, but it`s conducted online and uses digital signatures. This agreement is created digitally and can be signed by multiple parties, all without the need for physical documents. Electronic signatures have legal validity and are binding, provided they comply with certain requirements laid out in relevant legislation.

How to Create an eSign Agreement

Creating an eSign agreement is a relatively simple process. Here`s a step-by-step guide that can help you create an eSign agreement that`s legally binding.

1. Identify the parties involved in the agreement.

First, you need to determine who must sign the agreement. This could be one or more individuals, organizations, or businesses. You`ll also need to identify any legal representatives who will sign on their behalf.

2. Determine the scope of the agreement.

Next, you need to decide what the agreement will cover. This could include terms and conditions, payment schedules, confidentiality clauses, and other relevant information.

3. Choose an eSign platform.

Once you`ve determined the parties involved and what the agreement will cover, you`ll need to choose an eSign platform that meets your needs. There are several options available, including DocuSign, Adobe Sign, and HelloSign. Consider factors like ease of use, cost, and features when choosing a platform.

4. Draft the agreement.

Using the eSign platform, draft a contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the agreement. Make sure that the language is clear and concise and that all important details are included.

5. Include a signature block.

Include a signature block for each party to sign. The signature block should include all necessary details, such as the signer`s name, email address, and date of signature.

6. Share the agreement.

Once the agreement is drafted, send it to all parties involved. They can sign the agreement electronically using the eSign platform you`ve chosen. Once all parties have signed, the agreement is legally binding.

Benefits of an eSign Agreement

Creating an eSign agreement can offer several benefits for businesses. Here are just a few:

1. Saves time and money.

Using electronic signatures helps you save time and money by eliminating the need for printing, mailing, and scanning documents. This means that you can complete agreements much faster than you would with traditional paper-based methods.

2. Increases efficiency.

By using an eSign platform, you can automate the process of creating and signing agreements. This helps you to streamline your processes and reduce errors by minimizing manual input.

3. Offers greater security.

Electronic signatures are more secure than traditional signatures, as they are protected by encryption and other security measures. This reduces the risk of fraud and tampering, which can help protect your business from legal disputes.


Creating an eSign agreement is a simple process that can offer numerous benefits to your business. By using electronic signatures, you can save time, money, and hassle while also increasing efficiency and security. When choosing an eSign platform, make sure to consider factors like cost, ease of use, and features to find the right fit for your business. With an eSign agreement, you can sign contracts faster, more securely, and with greater efficiency, so you have more time to focus on growing your business.